Activities For A More Wholesome Autumn...

And just like that, in the blink of an eye, we are in October!

But no need to fret because I have a list for you of some exciting things you could try for a more wholesome Autumn season!

Sing Up To A Wreath Making Workshop

I can’t think of a more wholesome experience than this!

Complete a jigsaw puzzle.

I recently came across the most gorgeous jigsaw puzzles that I guarantee will help you beat the Autumn blues. If you don’t believe me then click here.

Picture this. A cute candle, warm beverage and you being present whilst working on these beautiful puzzles!

I don’t know about you but for me this screams cozy Autumn activity!


I do believe that most people come into your life for a reason and the most recent encounter I had whilst traveling in sunny Florida was with a skateboarder.

Once I came back home, I had the fine idea of trying something new and get myself ready for next summer when I could be cruising along sunny destinations with my longboard. All I can think of when I think of longboarding is community, cruising, freedom and exploring on wheels! A girl can dream right?

On a more serious note, why do we have to wait for a new year to start something new? Was there anything in particular that you wanted to try for a long time but never gotten the chance to do? Then this is your sign to sign up to that class or do whatever it is! Whether that involves a longboard or not.

Complete Couch to 5k

Couch to 5k for those who don’t know, is a program (& phone app) that can help you go from couch to running 5k (duh) in 9 weeks. Believe me when I say that if I’ve done it, you can do it too!

I know what you might be thinking. I am here to argue that if you tried running in the past and you hated it, it’s worth giving it another go! The sense of achievement you get every time you complete a run is something I cannot describe with words. Running also gives you the opportunity to join a community if that’s your thing or even explore new destinations from a different point of view!

Try it, complete it and thank me later!

Go For An Autumn Beverage

Think pumpkin spice lattes, London fogs or chai lattes! Make it at home or pick a cute spot and sip whilst people watching.

Chase The Halloween Decor

If you’re lucky enough to live somewhere where the Halloween decor is on another level, then a walk or a drive just to chase the Halloween decor is totally a great idea!

If on the other hand, you’re not blessed with Halloween decor in you area, why don’t you turn your place to a mini Halloween vibe?

Happy October!