72 Hours in Copenhagen...

Picture this:

You get the chance to travel to Copenhagen again, 8 years since you visited for the first time.

You arrive late on a Monday night, and as soon as you enter the airport doors, you spot the twinkly lights that the Danes love to display everywhere.

When you think of Denmark, you think of Hygge, sleek design, and a put together sense of style because the Danes know how to dress in winter!

You step foot outside the airport and you feel good. Things feel right…except it’s way too cold but you kind of expected that.

It’s been a long day so you check in the hotel, test the bed (hey you, yes you, the reader, don’t be shy, I know you test the bed too), stretch for 10 minutes because your bones are killing you and you end the night with the bad habit of scrolling through TikTok hoping that your algorithm doesn’t start talking to you in Danish very soon.

A fresh day is now ahead of you, but first someone has to bring some bread to the table. Time passes by and all of a sudden, 6pm rolls around and you decide to go grab some dinner. Some locals recommend walking around Nyhavn and the first thing you think is that you don’t want to be a typical tourist but you roll with it because you’re starving and you don’t have much time to think.

You try and navigate the metro system, which is pretty straightforward, even though in your head you’re convinced you will get lost so you check every single stop to make sure you’re on the right track.

A true foodie like you likes to research in advance where to eat so you head to The Union Kitchen. You’re looking forward to experiencing the Danish decor, candles everywhere and low lights. What you’re not looking forward to though is seeing the bill, but you’re ready to sell a kidney for food at this stage.

You order so much food without thinking and you end up paying £50 because you ‘forgot’ to convert the Danish Krone to British Pounds, but you think to yourself…’YOLO’ and continue living…

It’s been an exhausting day and as a true adult in your thirties, you head back to the hotel to sleep because that’s more important than everything else currently.

A brand new day begins and you have to work to bring the bread to the table again. Throughout the day, you lose one of your two gloves and…you kind of miss your other glove. What’s worse, you lost it at the wrong moment because Copenhagen is not a very warm country in the winter. You still use one of the gloves though because a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do!

In the evening, you decide to become adventurous again and you try to find a food shop because who doesn’t love trying snacks from a new country? You buy a sandwich because you’re feeling wild and some Danish bread. You’re so impressed with yourself because you’re adulting again. Then you decide to go back to bed…

It’s a brand new day and you have a free day in Copenhagen.

All you can think about is shopping, exploring and finding a cute cafe to chill at because you want to experience the Danish Hygge once again. Oh, let’s not forget the Danish pastries.

You are not sure whether you want to admit it out loud, but you are brave enough to say that Danish men are a very interesting breed. There’s something about a man that looks put together.

In other news, you’re thinking of exploring Vestebro so that’s where you are headed. You as such a planner, which means that you pinned on google maps all the shopping stores you’d like to explore. And so it begins. I won’t bore you too much but you had a good time! Even walking around in snow felt like an adventure. On the way you stop to get a cinnamon roll at Skt. Peders Bageri. You end the day at a cute coffee shop called Mig & Venner and you decide to slow down, relax and make the most of your last few hours in Copenhagen.


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