Stepping into 2024...Lessons And Insights…

Everyone would agree that 2023 has been an…interesting year. The world has still been recovering from Covid, lot’s of things have happened in the world…

As the end of 2023 is fast approaching and 2024 is almost ready to knock on our life door, here are some things I’ve learnt this year and some of the things I’m looking to embrace in 2024.

2023 Insights

  • Everyone has a story to tell…

  • People don’t really think about you at all…they worry about themselves and what other people think of them.

  • People don’t really remember what you said just a moment ago so don’t overthink it.

  • Noone who is doing better than you will criticise you.

  • Everybody’s journey and timelines are different, including your own.

  • You are not responsible for people’s emotions and you cannot control their reactions.

  • You cannot fix anyone.

  • You cannot change anyone.

  • Everyone is different so embrace, love and respect their individuality.

  • If you look back on how your life has unfolded so far, things will make a little more sense.

  • You can’t plan and/or control every single thing in life so sometimes you just have to…let things be…

  • How exciting is the thought of not knowing what life will throw at you next? How boring would life be if we knew the ‘script’?

  • Everything in life is ‘cyclic’.

  • If in doubt, just ask.

2024 Is Going To Be The Year Of…

  • Wholesomeness. Embracing current relationships and creating traditions with friends.

  • Outdoor adventures & exploring more of the world. New US States, European seaside gems & charming cities.

  • Activities on wheels and boards. More skating and surfing.

  • Constantly remembering the following: “What if everything turns out to be better than I ever imagined?”

  • Just loving people and their individuality.

  • Achieving the clean girl look while remembering that it’s okay to have f* it days.

  • More structure and discipline.

  • Setting goals that are actually under your control.

  • Remembering that “wearing your heart on your sleeve” is not a bad thing. It actually means that you are living life to the fullest. Just make sure you embrace all the emotions that come your way. Just feel.

  • More Ice Hockey.


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