Let's Talk About America...

Did you miss me? If you are a regular Unsettled Club reader (here’s me being a bit delulu and thinking that I have regular readers but a girl can dream right?), I am back and I hope you are happy to see me!

Today, I have a controversial topic for you, but…

What do you picture in your head when you think of America?

Guns, Violence, Evil? or Beauty, Diversity, Opportunity? Or maybe a mix of both!

To be honest, I love most things about America but like most places, it has it’s pros and cons!

Since I’m all about positivity, I’d like to share three reasons why I actually like America (& sharing some general thoughts along the way).

Reason Number One: You Can Tick Off A Lot Of Things From Your Bucket List.

I think America is one of the most diverse continents for people that like doing a variety of activities like yours truly! It's like having the sun and the moon all in one place, at the same time!

If you’re a person that is into activities and trying out new things, then you are in the right continent.

I’d like to name just a few things that are on my American Bucket List just to inspire you a little bit:

You can ski (or snowboard), sail, river raft, whale watch, drive a racecar, party in Vergas or Miami, go to theme parks, experience a firing range, go horseback riding, get on a train and admire the views, camp, get lost in a big city or a small city, walk multiple miles in rural towns, go on roadtrips, visit salt lakes, see mountains, forests, deserts. From blazing sun, to colourful autumns ,to snow...experience every climate or environment you could possibly want.

Reason Number Two: The Language.

Some might say that my first reason is relevant for other continents as well, but i am here to say that unlike some places in other continents, English is a widely spoken language here, which makes exploring America very convenient.

Reason Number Three: The Birthplace Of Great Things.

I’m aware that some of the things I might mention might not have originated from America but most of them have definitely being ‘transformed’ and/or became more worldwide known because of America. From skateboarding, country music, surfing, Hip Hop etc. I’m a bit biased here because these are some of the things I love but you get the idea!

Some Final Thoughts:

Some might say that America is an extension of Europe because of the European influence you encounter in many places you go and I completely agree!

However, I keep asking myself this over and over again:

Do I have the desire to live in America? Maybe not. I prefer living in Europe. Plus it makes visiting America more worthwhile since you don’t take it for granted (like I do with Europe).

Do I have the desire to explore as much of America as possible? Absolutely!

Is America as bad as it’s portrayed? I don’t think so… Shiz happens everywhere and social media nowadays like to magnify ‘problems’.

Moral of the story:

If you have a certain interest/love for something, don’t deny it and explore it no matter what everyone says to you!

Embrace your interests because you never know what you might discover about yourself!


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