What Would Happen If We Stopped Trying So Hard To Control The Future?

When I ponder this, I picture the following:

  • The vastness of the ocean.

  • The excitement of what’s to come (instead of being scared of the future).

  • That feeling of safety that everything is alright right now!

  • The feeling of being present and happy.

  • The feeling of peace that things will happen as they should, whenever is the right time.

  • The freedom!

  • The realisation that I have the option to feel any emotion at any given time.

  • The sense of calmness that everything is okay right now and that’s what matters.

Forget what could happen.

Think of what is happening!

If you fear the what if’s you are missing what you have now.

You don’t have all the answers now? Then do what makes the most sense at this moment of time.

Who decided that we need to have everything figured out? Why can’t we spend time enjoying finding the pieces to the puzzle instead of wishing we could find the puzzle already complete.

If the puzzle was already complete then life wouldn’t be fun!

One of human’s best friends are novelty and the unknown.

Believe me when I say that if everything was predictable in life then we would be miserable.

Stop trying to plan evey single detail of your life.

Don’t get me wrong.




I am a big on planning a dream holiday, or the next home project. Or what to have for dinner.

YES! I definitely plan food related things!

But finding the right balance between planning and letting go is the key.

Don’t plan how many kids you’ll have, when you’ll meet ‘the one’ or when to move to the next job.

Even if you plan all these, no one can guarantee that it will go to plan. More importantly, no one can guarantee that you won’t be disappointed if it doesn’t go as planned!

We usually make decisions based on the information we have. Sometimes we can’t make a desision because we don’t have all the information we need or we need more details to paint a better picture.

Why can’'t we normalise not having a clue of what we want and just figure things out as we go?

What if we embraced trial and error (or win)?

One thing I know for sure though is that before taking an important decision or even start worrying about it, I need to at least have the following:

  1. Enough information, time and space to think…

  2. A calm and clear headspace…

  3. A conversation with my ‘heart’ that looks a bit like this: What do you really want when it comes to this? The first thing that pops into your head is your answer. It’s normal to start doubting everything once in a while. Whenever you do, make sure you come back to the orginal question.

  4. A conversation with my ‘head’ that looks a bit like this: Do you have any control over it? If the answer is no, then you either let it go or you go back to point number 3 and if that is important to you, then trust and go with the flow. If the anwer is yes, then do something about it.

Side Note: As I was writing this post, I noticed that I was really trying to control the outcome, then I started letting go a bit and realised that this might be a little all over the place but that’s the point right? Just stop trying to control EVERY.SINGLE.THING!


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