A Letter To That Little Girl...

Remember the times when you were a little girl and you thought you’d ‘grow up’ and get married at 20 and have a bunch of kids?

Remember the times when you thought love comes easy and life is simple?

Well think again!

Perhaps life used to be simple. Not anymore.

Life in your 30’s might have not been exactly what you pictured (or what they tell you life should look like)…

But, I bet you’ve nether thought that you would become the person:

  • you are right now. Stronger and more resilient than ever. You left home at 17 going on 18 and set foot in a foreign country, all by yourself. You ‘survived’ heartbreaks, you lost jobs, people and maybe opportunities. But all of these led you to who you are right now.

  • who owns a home at times where most young people struggle to get their financial shiz together.

  • who can say: You know what? I am my biggest achievement.

  • who is not falling in love with stupid boys but instead falling in love with country music. Who would have thought?

  • who is not falling in love with stupid boys but instead falling in love with food and documents it!

  • who enjoys deep conversations and is the reason why people start contemplating their own existence when they spend some quality time with you.

  • who realises that so far you’ve been putting everyone else’s needs before yours. Luckily, you’ve discovered this early enough to help you start prioritising yourself in a world where being ‘selfish’ is a crime.

  • who finally starts finding more joy in doing everyday things like washing the dishes, alone time or your weekly run.

  • who loves people and helping them connect on a deeper level! Apparently that’s one of your superpowers.

  • who loves dancing when noone is watching but can’t pretend to enjoy dancing when someone is actually watching! Unless they spot you at the right time and place when you’re just vibing and not giving any shiz about who’s watching!

  • who likes to try everything at least once. Snowboarding, surfing, tennis, basketball, kayaking, belly dancing, gymnastics, pole dancing, twerking, yoga, speed boating, snowshoeing, CrossFit, weightlifting, snowmobiling, calligraphy, stand up paddle boarding, SUP yoga. You name it!

  • who says yes to new adventures and activities. Yes to seeing the Northern Lights in Lapland, segwaying in Lisbon, dancing at the Rio Carnival, yes to flying over the Grand Canyon on a Helicopter, going on a safari in South Africa, partying in Las Vegas & Mykonos. The list could go on and on and on!

  • who trusts the vibes. If the vibes are not matching yours then you allow yourself to pass the opportunity with kindness without having to explain yourself every.freakin’.time.

You've grown up now and it’s time to live life like you mean it. Just say f*ck it and just do it if it means something to you. Or if you have no idea, f*ck it as well and try. Sometimes, if you don’t try, you’ll never know.

  • f*ck it and finally get that second tattoo done.

  • f*ck it and build that community with people that fill you with happiness.

  • f*ck it and quit your job and travel for 3 months!

  • f*ck it and buy that thing if it makes you happy.

  • f*ck it and let go of that person if they crossed your boundaries.

  • f*ck it and move on from people that don’t add any value to your life.

  • f*ck it and ignore whoever is saying that you’re selfish for minding your own business if it means that you’re protecting yourself and your mental health.

  • f*ck it and ignore whoever or whatever is not alighted with your values.

  • say f*ck it to some people or society if you don’t agree with what they have to say!

Finally, don’t forget to remind that little girl once in a while that you got her back.


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