Embracing The Slow Life...

Life can be hectic, full of goals you need to achieve, chores to complete, to do lists to tick off…

Wouldn’t it be nice to stop once in a while and add some more balance, and practice some slow living?

Let’s be totally honest with ourselves, slow living is not always possible… But incorporating it is totally possible…

What if, for a whole month, you tried slowing down?

What if you stopped trying to fill your diary with things to do?

What if you welcomed boredom. Boredom breeds creativity.

What would happen if you stopped multitasking? What if you just did one thing at a time?

Have lunch without scrolling on TikTok, work on your next blog post without TV in the background.

What if you stopped trying to fill your day with pointless tasks?

Learn to feel. Listen. You don’t always have to respond.

You don’t have to have a solution for everything.

You don’t have to always know the next step.

What if you went to a completely new destination without having a plan of what to see or do.

Do what feels right. Ask the locals.

Just wander and explore.

That text back can wait.

That answer to the question you’ve been pondering for a while now, will come along eventually.


How I Am Learning To Not Settle In Shitty Relationships.


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