Travel Tuesdays - My Favourite Travel Experiences (Part 2)

This week on ‘Travel Tuesdays’ I take you though memory lane and I present to you part 2 of some of my favourite travel experiences and this time we go beyond Europe.

Here we go:

Snorkelling In Nusa Penida, Bali

Okay I absolutely love the ocean… Take me anywhere where there is water nearby and you will instantly make me happy. But water and fishies (more clarity on fishies below)? Heck yesh! Snorkelling was the one thing that is so easy to do (considering that I grew up near the water and snorkelling opportunities were only an hour away from me) but it took me more than 30 years to try.

While visiting Bali and the amazing waters of Nusa Penida, it was a no brainer for me that I had to try it then. As a side note, I overall enjoyed visiting Bali and - unpopular opinion - I was slightly disappointed when I visited in 2022 just because of how touristy it has gotten over the last few years. Saying that, I am glad I visited and I thoroughly enjoyed mingling with the locals and trying some cool activities.

One of the things I do best is get distracted so let’s get back to snorkelling…

I have a love/hate relationship with fish, especially when they swim very close to me (unpopular opinion as well but I get the same vibes when butterflies fly around me). But it definitely hit different when we spotted some colourful fish, an amazing turtle and cool Manta Rays.

Attending The Carnival In Rio De Janeiro

The carnival in Rio has been on my list for years and I am glad I did it back in 2018. I loved Rio De Janeiro in general, the people, the music, the ocean, the views, the food.

The carnival itself was amazing.

I would never forget the Brazilian guy (I assumed he was Brazilian) who was sitting in front of us at the parade who knew all the lyrics to the songs and was having the time of his life.

It felt very vibey seeing all the locals dancing and living their best life. I am all about positive and energetic people so the Brazilians have my heart.

Meeting The Giant Marylin Monroe In Palm Springs

When I would think of Palm Springs prior to visiting a few words and images would go through my mind. Coachella, desert, middle of nowhere, freakin’ hot, spiritual. After I visited, I still had the same words and images in my mind.

There is something very unique about Palm Springs that you only experience once you visit. There is a very calm vibe about that place and it’s something I just can’t put into words. You only experience it once you are there.

Also, as a huge fan of Mexican food I approve Palm Springs as a foodie destination too!

And of course, I also had the opportunity to meet the giant Marylin Monroe which was very cool as she was exceptionally huge…

There you have it! Stay tuned for similar posts coming your way soon.


Travel Tuesdays - My Top 3 Bucket List Destinations


Three Things Thursdays - What I Am Loving