Travel Tuesdays - My Top 3 Bucket List Destinations

This week on ‘Travel Tuesdays’ I present you my top 3 Bucket List travel destinations.

In no particular order:

  1. Japan

    Japan is almost on everyone’s travel bucket list (or at least I haven’t heard of anyone that does not want to go to there).

    When I think of Japan I envision the following: cherry blossoms (the plan is to go around April to witness them), lots of sushi and cute/tasty food, lots of things that just make sense, clean and tidy spaces, lots of things you will not see anywhere else and lots of experiences you can’t find anywhere else. I can’t lie, I really want to see those fancy heated toilet seats everyone is talking about.

    One thing I can’t wait to do in Japan though is eat all the good food (if you don’t know I love my food, have a look at cambsfoodstories if you don’t believe me).

    Can’t wait to meet the locals, maybe learn some Japanese (the only word I know is Ohayō gozaimasu (おはよう ございます) - I definitely had to google how it’s written and I hope Google translator did a good job! oh and I of course know Kawaii (because it is all over the interwebs and because indeed the Japanese are known for their cutsie things).

    Other than that I also can’t wait to try lots of mochi (a recent foodie obsession) & drink lots of matcha!

  2. Mexico

    Okay don’t get me started. First, the tacos! it will be taco day all day - EVERYDAY. Then it would be the fresh fruit and the beaches, the palm trees for days and the coconuts!

    Then I will attempt to practise my Spanish since I have no excuses as I have been learning Spanish for the last 15 years. Plus I listen to too much Reggaeton and surround myself with too many Latinos for me not to speak at least basic Spanish!

  3. Australia

    I feel like I need about a whole year to visit Australia properly so I will have to discover the continent in more than one trip.

    When I think of Australia I see: Koalas & kangaroos, spiders and interesting creatures everywhere (which is one thing I am NOT looking forward to), surf, good food, sun shining, beautiful beaches.

    I would love to do a road trip in Australia and go to as many places as possible.

    Also, I am such a water baby so I would love to do all the water sports and all the snorkelling possible while I am there!

So there you have it!

I better start prepping for those trips because one thing you should know about me is that I plan trips very well in advance!


Travel Tuesdays - My Favourite Travel Experiences (Part 3)


Travel Tuesdays - My Favourite Travel Experiences (Part 2)