Travel Tuesdays - My Favourite Travel Experiences (Part 3)

If you want to make me happy, get me a travel ticket or buy me an experience!

This week on “Travel Tuesdays, I present you 3 more of my travel experiences with the hopes to inspire you to try something unique on your next travel adventure.

Touring Mount Batur With A Jeep, Bali

I love a good hike but let me tell you! Sometimes I prefer to just simply make it to the top, with a jeep, and this was one of the best decisions I made during my trip to Bali.

One thing I remember vividly was my alarm that went off at freakin’ 3am. Who even likes woking up so early? I don’t really like early wake up calls unless it’s for an adventure, so this was for a good reason as we wanted to make it to the top of Mount Batur way before the sunrise.

Verdict: It was definitely worth it as we witnessed a magical sunrise whilst sipping coffee and eating a banana sandwich (which I actually really liked!)

Dog Sledding, Lapland

One of the things that sold me on this experience was the word ‘dog’. Give me anything that involves dogs and I will always volunteer to take part.

I was very impressed by the doggos that knew exactly what to do and how well trained they were.

I don’t do well at cold climates (yes I am always wondering what the hell I am doing in the UK) but the doggos, snowy scenery, warm beverages (& tasty gingerbread cookies) made it all worth it!

Cruising Along The Big Sur, California

Whoever knows me well is aware that I cannot shut up about my love for California. I don’t care what people say, it will always have a special place in my heart.

One of my California highlights has been cruising along the Big Sur when we were driving from Los Angeles to San Francisco. The Big Sur experience is something that has stayed on my mind for such a long time and that’s how I know it’s made an impact on me.

From the sunshine to the cute seals we met along the way, to the ocean views. Everything was just amazing. Next time I am planning on driving from San Francisco back to LA as I’ve heard the views are even better (if they can get any better).

That’s all for now!

Happy Tuesday and remember not to settle for whatever does not serve you!


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