Is Cape Town Worth Visiting?

Have you been thinking about visiting South Africa (and more specifically Cape Town) and are you wondering if it’s worth experiencing?

Then keep or reading because I will give you all the reasons why you should book that plane ticket.

Reason 1: The Locals Are The Friendliest People You’ll Ever Meet.

If you’re a like me and you love meeting the locals when travelling then you need to meet the South Africans. One thing I noticed about the locals is that they’re very funny. I am not sure if it’s a South African trait but most people I encountered made me laugh. Plus they know how to have a good time.

Reason 2: You’ll Never Get Tired Of The Mountain Views.

Cape Town is well known for it’s mountains and beautiful scenery. If you’re feeling brave and fit, I dare you to climb the iconic Table Mountain but please be sensible and go prepared. I promise that the climb will be worth it once you witness the views.

For the ones that are not feeling that brave, feel free to take the cable cars at the top of the mountain. The views are equally stunning!

Reason 3: You’ll Also Won’t Get Tired Of The Beach Views.

Whether you’re visiting Camps Bay or you’re generally interested in driving along the coast, I guarantee that you will fall in love with the ocean views in Cape Town! Just make sure you also drive towards Simons Town for some epic scenery and views.

Reason 4: Their Sunsets Are Stunning.

The pictures speak for themselves. Why not go for a boat ride with some snacks, good music, a group of friends and some alcohol. If you’re lucky you could also encounter some beautiful swimming dolphins.

Reason 5: Their Food Is Delicious.

Cape Town has a variety of amazing restaurants with any type of cuisine you can think of. I recommend having fresh seafood at the V&A Waterfront. You’re welcome.

Reason 6: Wildlife Is Not Too Far Away.

I bet you’ve heard of the famous Kruger National Park, which is easily accessible from CT by plane, but you could also visit Cape Point Nature Reserve which doesn’t require a plane to get there.

There you can encounter native wildlife such as baboons, ostriches, and antelope, and witness the dramatic meeting of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

Reason 7: Wine Is Not Too Far Away Either.

Just a short drive from Cape Town you can find the Cape Winelands. The most well known wine farms are in Stellenbosch and Franschhoek and it’s worth a full day of wine and food experience.

Even though I am not a huge alcohol drinker, I thoroughly enjoyed my day out in the wine farms.

Reason 8: There Is Colour Everywhere.

Please make sure to visit Bo Kaap and take in all the amazing colourful houses. Don’t forget to also visit the markets because there is a very high possibility of witnessing the most amazing flowers. You should also keep an eye out for the South African national flower ‘Protea” which is mainly found in the mountains.

Reason 9: There Is Always Something Cool Going On.

When I visited Cape Town in February of 2023, I saw that they were hosting their first ever e-Formula race. For a city that hosted such a big event for the first time, they did a very impressive job.

The Cape Town scenery and ocean views, made the event even more special so keep an eye for cool events when visiting.

Reason 10: You Get The Chance To Meet Penguins In Tuxedos.

You read that right. If this isn’t the best reason to visit Cape Town then I don’t know what is. You can meet the African penguins at Boulders Beach who roam free in a sandy beach. You could even swim with them if you’re lucky.

Be aware though that they might bite.

There you have it - I hope that I convinced you that Cape Town is a city that can capture your imagination and leave an special mark on your travel memories.


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