Here’s Why You Should Visit Lisbon This Summer (And What To Do There)

Lisbon is one of those destinations that stayed on my mind long after my visit (and when I actually experienced the holiday blues) and I am sure it will stay on your mind too.

Below, I will try and convince you why you should go ahead and book that plane ticket to Lisbon.

There Are Colourful Tiles Everywhere

The Lisbon architecture is a vibe. The Portuguese tiles are even better vibes. They can literally make your day. You could even spend a day ‘chasing’ the colourful tiles.

I just wish that someone would organise a ‘colourful tiles of Lisbon tour’. I’d definitely sign up.

The Food

Please make sure you try the local food. I do recommend to try the fish (If you are a fish lover that is)… Of course, one of the famous fish dishes are the fish croquettes and Bacalhau à Brás so make sure you try them.

And the ice cream…

Foodie Tips:

  • The Time Out Market in Lisbon is your go to for a variety of food and treats.

  • For a sweet treat make sure you try the famous Portuguese tarts, Pastéis De Nata. For the ultimate Pastéis De Nata experience make your way to Pastéis de Belém for the tastiest tarts. Warning: You might experience long queues so be prepared for that.

There Are Hills Everywhere

I know what you may be thinking.

Is this an actual reason why I should visit Lisbon?

My answer is yes.

Hear me out.

The Lisbon hills give you a reason to climb as high as possible because the views will be worth it. Plus, you will be done with your daily exercise so it’s a win win.

In conclusion, the Lisbon views (once you make it to the top) are definitely worth it! Day or night.

Tip: Don’t forget to choose a rooftop bar to admire Lisbon from above.

The Water Is Not Too Far Away

If you are a water baby like myself and you love the sea or ocean or both, you can either visit the ‘‘Golden Gate bridge’’ of Lisbon (Or Ponte De Abril), or you can go for the real deal and take the train to Cascais which is a short ride from the centre of Lisbon. I would describe it as a cute and charming fishing town.

Bonus Reason To Visit Cascais: If you love staring at big houses and daydreaming that one day you might own one, then you will also love Cascais as it has some inspiring, and potentially vey expensive houses. Dreaming is free right? Right!

Tip: If you are a surf baby or aspiring surfer, I recommend spending a couple of days at The Salty Pelican Beach Hostel. Think of waves, sunshine, meeting new peeps, food, beautiful views and many surfing opportunities. You could also do yoga and stand up paddle boarding.

Sintra Is Always A Good Idea

When in Lisbon, you can take another short train ride to Sintra which is famous for it’s history and charming castles. It is definitely a cute day out idea.

There Are Lots Of Activities To Choose From

Some of my recommendations are:

  • A Walking Tour.

    I recommend booking a walking tour, ideally at the start of your trip because this gives you the opportunity to get an overview of the city and maybe give you ideas on what to explore in more depth.

  • A Seqway Tour.

    Another fun way to explore the city is through a seqway. It can be a bit scary at first but it’s so much fun once you get used to it.

  • A Food Tour.

    A great way to explore the city through your stomach.

  • LX Factory.

    If you’re looking for a place that has everything, then I recommend going to LX Factory. It’s a space with a great variety of Restaurants, Bars and Shops!

  • For The Book Worms.

    Pay the Livraria Ler Devagar a visit, even if you just want to admire the ‘Flying Bike’ art installation.

Finally, if you’d like some inspo or some information before your trip I recommend the book below.

Plus, it’s the kind of book that just looks good in your home.


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