Why Is California My Favourite Place On Earth And Why It’s Worth To Be Yours Too!

When people ask me which place in the world holds a special place in my heart I always say:

This might sound boring but I’d say California!

‘What is it about California that you like so much?’ I hear you ask!

I get it, people keep complaining about how expensive it is or how many homeless people there are etc.

I am here to argue that there is no single place in the world that doesn’t have it’s pros as well as it’s cons.

Here are some things I love about California:

  • The sun is making it’s appearance most days in the year.

  • It’s multicultural.

  • It has great food and a variety of cool restaurants and places to eat. Plus, it has great Mexican food which is one of my favourite cuisines.

  • It’s a great place for aspiring surfers like myself (I do sound like a pro surfer but I can reassure you that I can barely stand on a surfboard but I’m way too stubborn to quit).

  • I like the people (it all depends where you go) and they can speak a language I can understand.

  • It has a great art & culture scene. High quality music, film, sports events, you name it.

  • It has palm trees for days that just make me happy (so much so that I decided to get it tattooed on me!).

Another thing that makes me happy whenever I travel to California is the fact that the ocean is never too far away.

Water in nature form, such as rivers, sea and waterfalls, is my therapy and California has these in almost every corner.

Have you ever been at a place which is not home (home as in the place where you were born) and it just feels right?

Yeah, for me this is California…

Stay tuned for more California content because this place is too special for me to stop talking about it!


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